MysticPress – Your specialist publisher and distributor of Oracle cards

We bring quality Oracle cards from all over the world to the Czech market. You will find a wide selection of quality cards. Translations originate from acclaimed global authors, accurately reworked into Czech.

What do we value at MysticPress?

  • We invest in the highest-quality materials and advanced technologies to offer you cards that not only last but will bring you joy for many years to come. This is why we have partnered with Hrací karty 1884, s.r.o., a company with extensive experience in card production and a 140-year tradition of crafting cards bearing the legendary logo of the horse, the Pegasus. The company specializes in producing standard and promotional cards, memory games, and beer coasters made from premium, specialized materials, ensuring exceptional quality and durability.
  • We provide accurate translations of foreign authors into clear and understandable Czech, ensuring that the meaning of the reading is never lost in translation.
  • We offer a complete service, guiding you from your initial idea all the way to the finished product.

What makes MysticPress Oracle cards different?

We understand the importance of holding oracle cards that are not only visually stunning but also high-quality and durable. That’s why, in collaboration with Hrací karty 1884, s.r.o., we offer cards that stand apart from those of commercial publishers. So, what makes ours different?

  • Our cards are made from premium card stock, ensuring that they are completely opaque. This material also provides the cards with specific stiffness and strength, making them more resistant to damage.
  • Instead of standard lamination, our cards are coated with a specialized card varnish. This varnish ensures a unique smoothness when shuffling and dealing the cards. It contains special particles that significantly extend the lifespan of the cards. So, you don’t need to worry about color fading or damage from frequent use or sweaty hands.
  • You can choose from three types of paper, including a textured card stock known as „linen.“ This luxurious option is favored by magicians for its high quality and elegant appearance.

What services will MysticPress provide?

Production of Oracle cards — Do you want to create Oracle or Tarot cards as you wish? At MysticPress, we offer advanced production technology that gives your cards a unique touch and sets them apart from standard commercial decks.

Distribution of Oracle cards from abroad to the Czech market —  Do you want to reach a wider European audience with your cards? We will translate and publish your foreign bestsellers for the Czech market. We then distribute the cards through partner cartomancers and specialist shops. We also use the largest distributors in the Czech Republic. 

Translations and publishing — If a foreign author owns the cards, we will handle their translation and publishing.

Cooperation with cartomancers — We want to build a community for Czech and foreign cartomancers. You can look forward to courses, workshops, and support in making your inlay cards. We offer comprehensive support, from choosing the right cards to marketing advice.

Startup support — Do you have an esoteric project you want to implement? We can help you with that. We will take care of your crowdfunding campaign from A to Z. 

Distribution of MysticPress

Do you want to buy cards from a reliable supplier? MysticPress offers you a wide range of esoteric cards at attractive prices. 

We offer you favorable wholesale prices and sales support for various types of cards.

Our offer includes:

  • Angel cards
  • Spiritual cards
  • Classic cards (Tarot, Lenormand, and others)
  • Relationship cards

Our product portfolio grows with fresh titles being added regularly. So if you want to grow your card sets for the Czech-speaking audience, contact us. 

MysticPress card sets are made of high-quality cardboard, not coated paper. They are varnished with a special lacquer, not laminated. It makes them durable and easy to shuffle. A company with over 140 years of tradition guarantees the quality of its production.

Our expert and talented artists make sure that each card is a work of art that helps you see into the depths of your soul. A velvet box with gold lettering adds a luxurious look to the inlay cards.

MysticPress will handle distribution through the largest Czech distributors. It will also cooperate with partner cartomancers and specialty shops. 

If you have any questions, contact us at We will be happy to provide you with all the information about our offer and terms of cooperation.

Services for Cartomancers

As a cartomancer, you know that quality cards are the key to a successful interpretation. MysticPress offers a full service to help you create your dream interpretation cards.

Why choose Oracle cards from MysticPress? 

We understand how important it is to hold oracle cards that are not only visually beautiful but also high-quality and durable. That’s why, in collaboration with the Czech company Hrací karty 1884, s.r.o., we provide cards that stand out from those of commercial publishers. What sets them apart?

  • Our cards are made from premium card stock, ensuring they are completely opaque. This material also gives the cards specific stiffness and strength, making them more resistant to damage.
  • Instead of standard lamination, the cards are coated with a specialized card varnish. This varnish provides a unique smoothness when shuffling and dealing, and contains special particles that extend the life of the cards. You won’t need to worry about color fading or damage from frequent use or sweaty hands.
  • You can choose from three types of paper, including a textured card stock known as linen. This luxurious option enhances the look of your cards, and its high quality is even favored by magicians for their tricks.

What do you get by working with us?

  • Convenient wholesale pricing
  • Website development on the WordPress platform
  • Help with creating your own Oracle cards. This includes consulting, design and layout, ISBN registration, printing, and production.
  • Comprehensive support for crowdfunding campaigns.

Want to get better at card interpretation? You can look forward to courses and workshops for beginners and advanced cartomancers.

Do you want to develop your talent and become a successful cartomancer? That’s what individual consultations and mentoring are for.

Spolupracujeme s

Jako nové, specializované nakladatelství, které vstoupilo na trh v roce 2024, jsme si již nyní vybudovali silná partnerství s klíčovými hráči v oboru.

  • Výrobu vykládacích karet MysticPress zajišťuje firma Hrací karty 1884, s.r.o., s legendárním logem koníka, tedy Pegasem ve znaku. Proto  vám zaručujeme vykládací karty prvotřídní kvality, které se vyznačují výjimečnou odolností a precizním zpracováním.
  • Díky partnerstvím s předními distributory v České republice vám nabízíme výhodné ceny a široký výběr vykládacích karet, které uspokojí i ty nejnáročnější kartáře.
  • Naše vykládací karty MysticPress si prohlédnete v partnerských obchodech

The MysticPress Publishing Team

We believe that unfolding cards can be a valuable tool for personal growth, finding inner balance and getting answers to the questions that bother you.

Why choose MysticPress?

  • We are the only publishing house that specializes in Czech divination cards. We also translate foreign-language sets into Czech.
  • We make our cards from the best materials. We use a special technology, unique to the Czech Republic, to produce them.
  • We provide foreign authors with a reliable distribution network. Thanks to this, the cards reach a wide clientele.
  • We form a community of people who share an interest in personal development, esotericism, and card interpretation.

Petr Kolář



Telefon: +420 605 393 776


Michaela Herzogová





Dominik Švidrnoch

Projektový manažer




Kateřina Korčáková





Contact information
Publishing MysticPress

Do you have questions about MysticPress? Contact us. 

MysticPress Legal Liability

Petr Kolář

IČ: 749 879 50

Registration NAK

Petr Kolář – MysticPress

IČ: 749 879 50

ISBN:  978-80-909277


Phone: +420 605 393 776
